November 2, 2016
Dear Community Member: Asalam-Alaikum; We need your help in settling refugees that are coming to Buffalo by sponsoring just ONE Family. And, your sponsorship will have significant returns for you and the community you live in, Insha-Allah. But, first, a little bit of background (please read to the end). You are aware of increasing number of refugee settling in Buffalo area, the most recent ones from Syria. Erie County Executive, Mark Poloncarz, has committed to settle 300 Syrian refugee families in Erie County this year and over 50 families are already here. Refugees are brought to Buffalo by four resettlement agencies: International Institute of Buffalo; Journey’s End Refugee Services; Jewish Family Service; and Catholic Charities. They are very successful in the resettlement process and have been rated favorably by the US State Dept. and the United Nations. Buffalo is one of the most favorite destinations of the refugees in NY State. Erie County has resettled 9,723 refugees from 2003 to 2014, according to public documents. And, as per Buffalo News, Buffalo has seen a 70 percent increase in its foreign-born population from 2000 to 2010. New immigrants accounted for 8 percent of Buffalo residents in 2013, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Many refugees, especially from Syria, are well educated and professionals who had to leave everything behind to save their lives. They are proud people and will be able to lead independent and productive lives, given a chance. Right now, they have dire needs prior to the arrival of winter. We NEED your help urgently. Please adopt just ONE FAMILY for only ONE YEAR. You do not have to house anyone with you. Your sponsorship will assist them to buy winter clothing or an old automobile, utensils and home appliances (Like microwave or stove), and children’s supplies. Your contributions will be capped at under one thousand dollars spread throughout the year. Please join in this noble effort today. Please contact us today if you can help. Any help is welcome and greatly appreciated. And, Allah (SWT) will certainly reward you for your generosity, Insha-Allah. Please contact us at or 716-683-1840 with your sponsorship or with any question. Looking forward to your positive response. Thank you so much. Khalid J. Qazi |