President’s Message

Peace be with you

On behalf of my Executive Board, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Muslim Public Affairs Council of Western New York.

With humble submission and heartfelt thanks to our Creator, Allah (SWT), we present a revamped website for your information, reading pleasure, and nostalgia. We hope to update the information on time so that it serves the purpose just stated.

MPAC’s mission remains to be a trusted resource to decision-makers in the government, media,
education, and policy institutions. We have dedicated ourselves to establishing a vibrant American Muslim community based on the Islamic values of Human Dignity, Mercy, Justice, Peace, Freedom, and Equality for all.

Since its inception, your organization has served a pivotal role across the WNY region. From interfaith events to advocacy for equal rights and equal representation, to its youth initiatives, MPAC-WNY has worked tirelessly to ensure a voice for Muslims.

Your contributions, participation, and support have been critical in establishing this visionary organization. To take this institution to the next level, your continued assistance and active participation is critical. Let us continue on this journey together.

Finally, allow me to convey my personal appreciation and heartfelt thanks to you for putting your confidence and trust in this young, forward looking and progressive organization and its leadership to represent Muslim in WNY and beyond.

May Allah bless you today and always;

Khalid J. Qazi
Inaugural President
May 2024


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