100 days in, is America Great Again?

100 days in, is America Great Again?

The first 100 days of an administration is an important benchmark – a benchmark that Mr. Trump set for himself in his Contract with the American Voter which begins, “What follows is my 100-day action plan to Make America Great Again.” So, has this administration...
New Immigration Policies Harm American Families

New Immigration Policies Harm American Families

In the months following President Trump’s January 25th executive order regarding immigration and border security, there has been a significant increase in Immigrant and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids and deportations. Within a span of three months, ICE arrested over...
Outstanding Millennial Scholarship

Outstanding Millennial Scholarship

One of the highlights of the Thirteenth Annual MPAC-WNY Banquet will be introducing the concept of the Outstanding American Muslim Millennial from WNY. Representative American Muslim Millennial from Western New York will be honored at the banquet . We are blessed with...