On So Many Levels

November 9, 2020

MPAC congratulates President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their historic win! After an absolutely chaotic past four years, the majority of voters chose honesty and decency, and a multicultural, multi-ethnic coalition elected the first African-American, Indian-American, female Vice President, who is also the child of immigrants, in our nation’s history. With African-American and immigrant communities comprising the majority of American Muslims, it is a significant milestone to have someone we can relate to in such a high position. With all of the work MPAC does toward inclusion at every level of government, media, and civil society, this is a huge step forward and cause for celebration.

We are hopeful about the prospects of engagement with the Biden-Harris administration. Joe Biden’s pledge to repeal the Muslim Ban on Day One of his term may reflect an administration committed to working with us and not against us. We look forward to working in collaboration with other Muslim civic organizations to ensure that the rights of American Muslims are restored and upheld. Over the course of the next four years we are all committed to ending systemic racism, pushing for police reform, honoring our nation’s commitment to religious freedom, and comprehensively reforming our nation’s immigration policy. We still have a lot of work to do and MPAC is committed to that work, but this historic election gives us much to be hopeful for.