American Muslim Millennial Award
MPAC-WNY would like to invite Muslim youth to apply for the American Muslim Millennial Award. Scholarships to Muslim Youth are based on demonstrated academic achievement and service to the community.
Character: Upholds Islamic principles and shows respect and courtesy to all.
Scholastic: Demonstrates academic excellence.
High School Student must be on honor roll and reflect emphasis on academics
Leadership: Holds leadership position in school, sports team, school club or a professional organization.
Dependable and resourceful in applying principles for problem solving.
Profession: Demonstrates professional competency and advanced achievements in respective professions
Service: Demonstrates initiative in promoting school, professional and community activities.
Volunteers and provides dependable and dedicated assistance to the needy in our community.
Link for application: 2021-Millennial Award Application
Eligibility and Application Requirements:
- You must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident (aged 16-28) and a resident of Buffalo / WNY Region. Please enclose proof.
- Please note that you are eligible to apply if you are a WNY resident currently attending out of town school.
- Please enclose no more than three letters of recommendation.
Amount: Each scholarship awarded will be $1,000
Deadline: February 28, 11:50pm.
Please submit application online at: or mail documents and all necessary forms to MPAC-WNY, 6343 Transit Road, Depew, NY 14043
PDF Version: American-Muslim-Millenial-Award-info