An Israel Palestine Dialogue

Saturday, May 11

9:00 am-1:00 pm

On May 11, 2024, the Adult and Family Education Committee will be offering its Spring Faith Dialogue. The topic will be “An Israel Palestine Dialogue” with speakers Marion Werner, Jewish Voice for Peace, and Dr. Khalid Qazi, Muslim Public Affairs Coun-cil. The Dialogue will explore the Is-rael/Palestine conflict, its history, and the local and extended effects. With all the current news concerning actions and responses to the events in Gaza that we see daily in the media, it is hard to know what to think. Our presenters will bring a new perspective from involved faith communities.

The event will begin with registration and food at 8:30 am and finish by 1:00 pm. The program will include both speakers and a time of small group interaction (see schedule at right).










Registration and food


Marion Werner, Jewish Voice for

Peace Break

Dr. Khalid Qazi, Muslim Public

Affairs Council


Peace circles


We are asking for a $10.00 registration fee to help cover the cost of the two speakers. You can enclose cash or a check (made out to Nativity UCC with “Spring Faith Dialogue” in the memo line) in an envelope with your form and place it in the box on the table outside the church office.

OR, you can register on our website via the Signup Genius link and pay on May 11.

Please register by Monday, May 6!