We at MPAC offer our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the victims of the attack in Nice earlier today, as well as the recent attacks in Avignon and Paris, France. There is no place for violence in civil society, whether it is implicitly justified in the statements and actions (or lack thereof) of sitting politicians or carried out by non-state actors. In virtue of our Islamic faith, which commands us to respect and defend both the sanctity of life and our houses of worship, we offer the strongest possible condemnation of these violent offenses. In this sense, Islam finds common cause with all people of faith.

We call on all to stand with the victims of all of these attacks. We call on all governments to not use these attacks to further divide the world and its populations, but to come together, as a single family, and honor these victims through our unity, and work together to address the causes that have brought upon this attack.